Solutions for Hazardous Areas

We design and engineer tailored solutions to ensure safety and compliance for operation in hazardous areas, constraining internal explosions and protecting personnel and equipment.

Custom dewpoint instruments and solutions for hazardous areas

Many workplaces may contain or have activities that produce explosive or potentially explosive atmospheres, which can be caused by flammable gases, mists, vapours, or combustible dusts
They may not have the necessary understanding or in-house expertise to ensure hazardous area installation and inspection compliance in accordance with the relevant directives. For hazardous area applications, Alpha Moisture Systems offers various options:

Portable Solutions

Spot-check readings require the operator to use a hygrometer suitable for operation within the hazardous area such as the Alpha Moisture Systems SADPmini2-Ex dewpoint hygrometer, which is certified intrinsically safe to ATEX, IECEx and UL standards.

The PSS portable sample system is specifically designed for use with the range of SADPmini2 portable hygrometers, giving an effective, portable dewpoint sampling system which ensures sample pressure and flow are suitable for quick and accurate moisture measurements.

Because there are no possible sources of ignition or stored energy components it is safe for use in hazardous areas with the intrinsically safe SADPmini2-Ex.
AMT EX Gallery 02

For continuous operation

Intrinsically safe certified inline instruments are suitable for use where continuous operation is needed, reducing the risk of explosions and protecting staff. Continuous monitoring provides benefits such as real-time measurements, prevention of unexpected spikes in humidity and optimised process efficiency which means less downtime.

There are various options for continuous operation systems. We provide intrinsically safe dewpoint transmitters certified to IECEx and ATEX standards for use in hazardous areas. The AMT-Ex is a 3 wire, 4-20 mA intrinsically safe dewpoint transmitter, a reliable solution for moisture measurement in process gases or compressed air in hazardous areas.

The transmitter covers various dewpoint ranges, making it versatile for many different applications and its unique AutoCal function corrects span deviations, maintaining measurement precision over time.

Custom systems

Customising a dewpoint system for use in hazardous areas offers several benefits. A customised system can ensure compliance with intrinsically safe standards, designed to meet specific safety requirements. Systems are designed to eliminate potential ignition sources. Bespoke systems allow alignment with process needs to ensure optimum performance, ensure accuracy and reliability and reduce risks.

We provide complete systems for installation in hazardous areas depending on your requirements. A complete system includes the sensor/transmitter, zener barrier/signal isolator and hygrometer display in an Exd Flameproof enclosure.

Example configurations include:
DS1200-Exd Dewpoint Hygrometer
DS1200-Exd-AMT-ExA combination of the AMT-Ex Dewpoint Transmitter, DS1200 Display, Signal Isolator and Exd Flameproof Enclosure.

DS1200-Exd-AMT-Ex is a single-channel, online hygrometer with a signal isolator designed to accurately measure trace moisture in process gases utilising a range of dedicated, ultra-high capacitance, field mountable transmitters.

The DS1200-Exd-AMT-Ex is designed to take dewpoint readings in hazardous areas Zones 1, 21, 2 and 22. The enclosure is flameproof to ATEX and IECEx certification for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.

The system incorporates our unique AutoCal function and encompasses a measurement range of -120°C to +20°C (-184°F to +68°F) dewpoint. The dewpoint transmitter is highly sensitive and has been designed and conditioned for long-term stability.

Additionally, the transmitter is ATEX and IECEx certified for intrinsic safety for use in hazardous environments with the signal isolator and DS1200 display located inside the Exd flameproof unit.
DS4000-Exd-AMT-ExA combination of the AMT-Ex Dewpoint Transmitter, DS4000 Display, Signal Isolator and Exd Flameproof Enclosure.

DS4000-Exd-AMT-Ex is a single channel, online hygrometer with a built-in signal isolator designed to accurately measure trace moisture in process gases utilising a range of dedicated, ultra-high capacitance, field mountable AMT-Ex dewpoint transmitters.

The system incorporates our AutoCal function and encompasses measurement needs from -120 °C to +20 °C (-184 °F to +68 °F) dewpoint.

The AMT-Ex transmitter is highly sensitive and has been designed and conditioned for long-term stability and accuracy.

Additionally, the transmitter is ATEX certified for intrinsic safety so can be used in hazardous environments with the signal isolator and DS4000 display housed within the Exd Flameproof Enclosure.
DS4000-Exd DEwpoint Hygrometer
DS1500-ExdA combination of the AMT-Ex Dewpoint Transmitter, DS1500 Display, Signal Isolator and Exd Flameproof Enclosure.

DS1500-Exd is a digital dewpoint hygrometer designed to accurately measure trace moisture in process gases utilising a range of dedicated, ultra-high capacitance, field mountable AMT-Ex dewpoint transmitters.

The system incorporates our AutoCal function and encompasses measurement needs from -120 °C to +20 °C (-184 °F to +68 °F) dewpoint.

The AMT-Ex transmitter is highly sensitive and has been designed and conditioned for long-term stability and accuracy.

Additionally, the transmitter is certified intrinsically safe to ATEX standards and can be used in hazardous environments with the signal isolator and DS1500 display housed within the Exd Flameproof Enclosure.
Model 6020-ExdA combination of the Sensor, Model 6020 Display, Zener Barrier and the Exd Flameproof Enclosure.

Model 6020-Exd is a single-channel, online hygrometer with a built-in Zener Barrier designed to accurately measure trace moisture in process gases utilising a range of dedicated, ultra-high capacitance, field mountable dewpoint sensors.

The system incorporates our AutoCal function and encompasses measurement needs from -110°C to +20°C (-166 °F to +68 °F) dewpoint.

The dewpoint sensor is highly sensitive and has been designed and conditioned for long-term stability and accuracy.

The sensor is certified intrinsically safe to ATEX standards and can be used in hazardous environments with the Zener Barrier and 6020 display housed within the Exd Flameproof Enclosure.
NEW Model 6020 with barrier

Key Applications

AerospacePortable dewpoint meters are crucial in the production of aeronautical parts requiring vacuum furnace heat treatment with very dry argon, and for verifying the dryness of welding shield gas at the torch head according to NADCAP standards.
Breathing AirIn diving, firefighting, and defence applications, portable dewpoint meters are used to test high-pressure cylinder breathing apparatus to prevent equipment freeze caused by excess moisture, which could have fatal consequences.
Food and BeverageMoisture control is critical in the food and beverage industry to prevent food quality loss. Packaging foods in an atmosphere of dry gases like Nitrogen and carbon dioxide extends shelf life. Our AMT and AMT-Ex transmitters enable continuous trace moisture measurement, reducing waste and carbon footprint.
HDPE ProductionPortable dewpoint meters are used for spot-checking moisture in flammable gases like ethylene feedstock. They ensure safety and efficiency in the production of polyethylene to avoid decreased yields caused by excessive moisture.
Injection MouldingPortable dewpoint meters are used to verify the dryness of air circulating through plastic pellets, improving surface finish, colour, and opacity of products — increasing yields and reducing production costs.
Medical GasesEssential for ensuring the reliability and accuracy of moisture content in hospital air systems, portable dewpoint meters help conduct continuous monitoring and quarterly spot checks to prevent microbial growth and potential infection — meeting NHS HTM02 standards.
Natural Gas and LNGPortable dewpoint meters are vital for preventing freezing issues in pipelines and valves, and preserving gas calorific value by accurately measuring moisture during transit from extraction to storage.
PharmaceuticalsPortable dewpoint meters are crucial for spot checks on inert blanketing gases in medication and medical device production, preventing microbial growth and ensuring the dryness necessary for freeze-drying processes.
Power GenerationFor routine spot checks on hydrogen used in alternator cooling, portable dewpoint meters help maintain efficiency and safety by ensuring moisture is below critical levels to avoid condensation.
Welding GasesDifferent welding processes require specific inert gases for atmospheric shielding. Our online trace moisture measurement systems continuously measure moisture to ensure feed gas used for shielding remains within the specified range, maintaining optimal conditions for welding.

Whatever the challenge, you can rely on Alpha Moisture Systems

If you require a customised trace moisture measurement solution for use in hazardous areas, book a consultation with our expert technical team and find out how you can increase the efficiency and productivity of your operations.
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Trusted by industry leaders

We are proud to be a trusted partner and supplier to some of the world’s leading brands across a range of industries.
Shell logo
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BP Helios
Abbott Laboratories
NASA logo
Atlas Copco Logo
Chevron Logo
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boge logo
Bristol Myers Squibb
Chesapeake Energy
Blue Origin
Ingersoll Rand
Linde plc
Matheson Gas
Messer Group
Southern Company Gas
universal industrial gases

Dewpoint Calculator for Trace Moisture Measurement

in Gases & Compressed Air